Sunday, March 3, 2013

Action Research, what is it?

The nuts and bolts...

Action research is a method of professional development in which administrators pose questions, collect data, analyze the data, make changes, and share their findings. Using this blog, I can communicate the discoveries I make while doing research.

Action research represents a change in the way that research is used in education. Previously, research was completed by outsiders then given to administrators to be used in their districts. It was a cookie cutter method.  Administrators were given the findings and had to figure out how to use the information for their particular school community. With action research, teachers and administrators have an opportunity to be hands on because they know what their unique issues are and have a better way to come up with solutions. This process of action research allows administrators to use what other researchers are saying about various issues coupled with what might be actually working for their campus or district.

How will I use it?

I will use action research to explore the different effect of rewards on student achievement. Specifically, I want to measure the difference between intrinsic versus extrinsic rewards in my school community. In my limited experience as a teacher, I’ve done mini experiments with rewards. Using the action research model will enable me to not only explore the phenomenon but also reflect fully on my findings.

1 comment:

  1. I think the use of blogs will help us during our action research project. Its a great way to give suggestions or publish a question or concern that we have. Cant wait to see where our projects take us!
